inszenierung & ausstattung
acis and galatea von georg friedrich händel

16.08.2024 20 Uhr im Stadttheater Solothurn
17.08.2024 20 Uhr im Stadttheater Biel/Bienne
Musikalische Leitung: Franco Trinca
Korrepetition: Francis Benichou
Inszenierung und Ausstattung: Larissa Copetti
Dramaturgie: Meike Lieser
Lichtgestaltung: Michael Nobs
Galatea: Léonie Renaud
Acis: Remy Burnens
Polypheme: Charles Sudan
Orchester: Sinfonieorchester Biel Solothurn TOBS!
stipendiatin beim
schweizer theatertreffen
Larissa nimmt als Stipendiatin am Forum junger Theaterschaffender des Schweizer Theatertreffens 2024 teil.
Das Forum junger Theaterschaffender ist ein fünftägiges Stipendienprogramm des Schweizer Theatertreffen, mit dem der Theaternachwuchs aus allen Landesteilen gefördert wird. Das Programm erlaubt fünfzehn Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten bis 35 Jahre, die gesamte Tessiner Ausgabe des Festivals fragend und kritisch zu begleiten.

assistant director & stage manager at TOBS
Since the fall season of 2021/22, Larissa has been working as assistant director and stage manager for TOBS' opera department in Biel/Bienne and Solothurn, Switzerland under artistic director Dieter Kägi and many distinctive theater directors, such as Olivier Tambosi, Yves Lenoir, Andrea Bernard and Anna Drescher. For more detailed information about the respective productions, please view her CV.

star magnolia

After having worked for years in Berlin, Larissa did an assistant directing internship (Hospitanz) with Theater Neumarkt in Zürich to set foot into the Swiss theater scene. During her internship, she assisted the team in creating a new piece called Star Magnolia (dir. Jeremy Nedd) based on Octavia Butler's «the parable of the sower» (1993) and «the parable of the talents» (1998).
alive talk. die sendung, die euer leben rettet.

Ab 17. Mai 2018 an der Neuköllner Oper
In der italienisch-deutschen Zusammenarbeit war Larissa ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen den Sprachen. In der Doppelrolle von Dolmetscherin und Regieassistentin verhalf sie Michela Lucenti (Balletto civile) und Team die lustvoll-groteske Parabel, im Auftrag der Neuköllner Oper geschrieben von Carlo Galiero (Text) und Mauro Montalbetti (Musik), zum Leben zu bringen.
one night stand. ein shakespeariment

Larissa happily participated in "One Night Stand" on several different occasions in 2017 and 2018, taking on different roles.
Much Ado About Nothing: Margaret
Romeo & Juliet: Paris
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Elf
Macbeth: Rosse, 3rd murderer
Director: Brian Bell
Location: Pfefferbräu, Glaspalast, Berlin.
Die 8 Absolventen (darunter Larissa) des Weiterbildungskurses "Erarbeitung neuer Vorsprechrollen" für professionelle Schauspieler an der iSFF beenden die intensive Zeit mit einer Abschlusspräsentation für Fachpublikum und geladene Gäste.
Fr, 02.12.16, 18 Uhr
Oudeanderstr. 16, Aufzug B13
Wedding, Berlin

der geizige nach molière im pfefferberg theater

Auf der Bühne ist Larissa mit dem Hexenberg Ensemble als Marianne im Geizigen an folgenden Daten zu sehen:
17.06.16 & 18.06.16 19.30 Uhr
12.08.16 & 13.08.16 19.30 Uhr
14.08.16 17 Uhr
17.09.16 19.30 Uhr
29.09.16 19.30 Uhr
09.12.16 & 10.12.16 19.30 Uhr
28.01.17 19.30 Uhr
23.03.17 19.30 Uhr
20.10.17 19.30 Uhr
Pfefferberg Theater, Berlin
Regie: Jan Zimmermann
the king of chelm is coming back for a second run

After a successful World Premiere at Kulturfest NYC in June, the King of Chelm is officially coming back for a limited run at the Kraine Theatre. Larissa will be taking on the role of Lilly for a second time in this off-Broadway Theatre.
Nov 14, 15, 21 2015 1pm
Nov 29 2015 1pm + 3pm
Written by Boris Zilberman
Original score by Dmitri Zisl Slepovitch
Arrangement by Alex Ryaboy
Directed by Gera Sandler
The NY Times lists "The King of Chelm" among top children's shows in NYC. Check out the link to the article below.
larissa originates role in a new nyc musical
Larissa has been cast to play an original role in the new and mystical musical The King of Chelm, where contemporary superheroes and whimsical characters of the 19th century Chelm Shtetl come to live in FolksbieneRU’s interactive family “Jewish Alice in Wonderland” style. The King of Chelm is based on the poetry and short stories of well‐known Soviet poet Ovsey Shike Driz.
The King of Chelm will be one of the select plays in the first ever Kulturfest NYC.
The World Premiere will be on June 21st 2015, 12pm & 3pm at Abrons Arts Center.

alone in the u.s., new composers' work winter series

Larissa has been cast in the role of Zuzu to star in the Staged Reading of the New Original Musical "Alone in the U.S." (Berliner/Cronin) an upbeat, pop‐style, twelve person, ensemble musical.
Director: Nathan Brewer
Jan 22 2015, 7.30pm, 100 E 17th St
viva camila

New York Film Academy’s Musical Theatre department presented their first ever Summer New Works Reading Series in summer 2014. The Series was designed to promote relationships between our students and emerging composers, writers, and directors.
Larissa was cast as Elena/Widow in Viva Camila by Lori McKelvey, directed by Chad Larabee.
100 E. 17th St. New York, NY 10002
(a)typical typology
2014: Larissa is featured in NYC photographer John Tona's series: (A)Typical Typology. Click on the link below to see his work.
(A)Typical Typology is an ongoing project that depicts pairs of people from each country of the world without cultural elements such as clothing, jewelry, or other man-made products, leaving only the individual as the unique identifier. As a result, the lines of race and culture are de-emphasized, leaving us to consider the subjects more simply, as members of the human race.